
How to get more Deep Sleep with the 10 easiest ways?

Emma Mackey
8 Min Read

Do you know that we used to go through four different levels of relaxation while sleeping? Deep sleep is the third or fourth stage of a sleep cycle that makes you feel rejuvenated after waking up.

Deep sleep causes your heartbeat, brain activity, and respiration to settle down. It has an important function in reviving you once you wake up. It is always recommended that we sleep 7 to 8 hours per day.

But it makes no difference how many hours we sleep if we are not having decent quality sleep. In the very next minutes, we’re going to discover the secrets of getting high-quality deep sleep.

What exactly is Deep Sleep?

The most pleasurable aspect of sleeping is deep sleep. After 20 to 30 minutes of sleep, you enter the most important phase of the sleeping level & that’s called deep sleep.

Slow-wave sleep causes your pulse rate, respiratory rate, and neural activity to slow down.

If you wake up in the middle of a deep sleep, you may experience drowsiness for a while. Deep sleep is essential for good health for a number of reasons.

Why is Deep Sleep so important for your healthy life?

Deep sleep phases are also called vital stages because they are required for growth, hormone regulation, and other functions.

The brain accumulates data in long-term memory during REM sleep. Deep sleep is beneficial to your memory and learning in general. It generates feel-good chemicals such as serotonin.

What if you don’t get enough deep sleep? You will experience dizziness, exhaustion, and depression. It will be difficult for you to concentrate and communicate with others. Skipping deep sleep can have a negative impact on both your physical as well as mental prosperity.

How to Get More Deep Sleep

1. Exercise on a daily basis

When you exercise each day, you get to sleep faster at night than when you don’t. Exercising aids in getting a good night’s sleep.

Make sure you don’t work out just before bedtime. It may raise your pulse rate which will disrupt your sleep.

2. Avoid Using Electronic Devices

Electrical equipment like TV remotes, cell phones, etc. emits blue light, which might interfere with your sleep. Turn off all electronic gadgets at least half an hour before going to bed.

Instead of using your phone at night, try reading a book, meditating, or drawing. Have a restful night by keeping your bedroom like a tech-free zone.

3. Maintain a Bedtime Routine

A bedtime ritual is frequently followed by healthy persons. Every day, you should go to bed and get up at the same hour.

Before going to bed, take a bath if possible or read a book. Making a nightly routine will assist your brain in connecting these habits with sleeping, allowing you to sleep more quickly.

4. Include Fiber in Your Diet

The quality of your nutrition has an impact on the quality of your sleep. Thus you must add healthful foods to your diet to help you sleep well.

“People who eat fiber spend more time in the slow-wave sleep phase than those who do not.” It was stated by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) in a study.

5. Limit your intake of caffeine.

We recognize that caffeine is sometimes inescapable. Intaking caffeine 7 hours before bedtime may cause you to be awake at night.

You can replace caffeine with different beverages like chamomile tea, water, warmed milk, and tea.

6. Listen to White Noise

Living in a noisy environment or with a talkative family member might make falling and staying asleep difficult.

You can avoid such disruptions by listening to white music to have deep sleep. White noise relaxes your thoughts and allows you to sleep well.

7. Use an eye mask to stop the light.

Light, like loud noises, might disrupt your sleep. If your spouse or roommate has a tendency of reading or you are unable to switch off the lights for any reason, an eye mask will be beneficial for you.

8. Relaxing Bed & Mattress

If your bedding and mattress are not comfortable enough to cuddle into, you may find yourself switching or turning sides throughout the night.

To improve the consistency of deep sleep, you should put some money into high-quality bedding.

9. Practice Aromatherapy

Some essential oils such as Lavender relieve tension and reduces heartbeats. Diffusing an essential oil will help you to relax soon and sleep well.

10. Don’t forget to do Meditation

According to experts, meditation and yoga have various advantages, including boosting your sleeping quality and relieving you of sleep anxiety.

It has been shown in a study by Pubmd.gov that those who meditate twice a day receive more slow-wave sleep and wake less throughout the night.

What are the best benefits of Deep Sleep?

Deep sleep has numerous advantages, including hormone management, growth and development of the body, and weight loss. Additional ones are as follows:

  • Restoring the flow of energy
  • Increase the amount of blood that gets to the muscles.
  • Development, repair and regeneration of tissues
  • Increasing the effectiveness of the immune system
  • Regrowth of cells in body
  • Helps to improve memory.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Deep Sleep?

Deep sleep aids in the transmission of data received throughout the day. The brain cannot transmit information properly to your brain if you do not get enough deep sleep. In other words, it’s bad for your memory.

In other words, it’s bad for your memory.

If you do not get enough sleep, you may develop the following disorders:

  • Heart problems
  • Alzheimer’s Illness
  • Heart attack
  • Diabetes
  • Memory loss
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Migraine headaches
  • Mood Swings (Emotional ups and downs)
  • Overweight

How Many Hours of Deep Sleep Do You Really Need Each Night?

Deep sleep accounts for nearly 13-23% of sleep time for adults.

  • People under the age of 30 might need two hours of deep sleep per night.
  • People over the age of 69 may only obtain a half-hour or less of deep sleep.

There is no set length of deep sleep that should be followed, but youngsters need longer deep sleep than adults.

The Verdict on Deep Sleep

Deep sleep is essential for your total health and quality of life. If you aren’t getting enough deep sleep, it’s important to analyze your lifestyle and dietary habits and make changes.

Wish you a very good night with a DEEP SLEEP!

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Emma Mackey is #1 USA based Health based blog writer, She has an experience of 20+ years in the healthcare industry. By qualification she has done her Masters in Clinical Nutrition and has also done various workshops on weight loss program through the USA.
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