
The Real & Shocking Causes of Diabetes which most people are unaware of – Diabetes Freedom

Emma Mackey
8 Min Read
Diabetes Freedom Review

Are you a diabetic or with pre-diabetes person? While prediabetes and diabetes may appear to be two distinct illnesses, they are the same disease with the same dangers.

Many people, however, do not take blood sugar control carefully until they are diagnosed with diabetes.

What are the causes of diabetes? Isn’t it a case of excessive blood sugar? It isn’t, in fact.

Diabetes is caused by an excess of insulin rather than a high blood sugar level. To put it another way, high blood sugar is a symptom, not the reason.

What is Insulin and How Does It Work?

As previously mentioned, insulin is the hormone that is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels.

Our tissues must be responsive to insulin’s activity in order for it to work; alternatively, tissues become resistant to insulin’s action, and insulin struggles to eliminate sugar from the blood. When insulin resistance develops, the liver is the first organ to cease responding to insulin, followed by muscles and finally fat. What causes insulin resistance in the first place? Our diet is on the basis of the problem.

Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, which causes the pancreas to create insulin, which is subsequently stored in the liver and muscles. 

The liver and muscles, on the other hand, have a limit on how much sugar they can store. The best way to visualize this is to imagine your liver and muscles as small cabinets with limited storage. 

If the sugar keeps pouring in, the cabinet will rapidly become overflowing.

Insulin then transports any surplus sugar that does not fit into the liver or muscles to fat cells, where it is transformed to fat and stored. 

And, because carbohydrate consumption elevates insulin levels, “carbavores” can be confident that they will have enough insulin to complete the process.

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is a term used to describe a condition where the body’s insulin.

But what occurs when fat cells become insulin-resistant? What if a large concentration of sugar is outside of a fat cell but cannot enter to be stored as fat? 

The sugar will stay in the blood for a long time. As a result, your blood sugar levels begin to rise, resulting in prediabetes and diabetes.

How can you maintain insulin sensitivity in your tissues? 

Eat a low-carbohydrate diet, exercise often, and keep lean. Insulin resistance can be triggered by eating a lot of carbohydrate-rich foods such as cereals or bread.

So, if your doctor says you’re pre-diabetic, that implies everything I just said has already happened, and you’re resistant to insulin. 

By the way, 20% of persons with sugar problems are slender, and are classified as metabolically overweight or “skinny fat.”

Remember that if the level of your insulin is very high, you won’t be able to burn fat and will have a hard time losing weight. 

What is a healthy level of insulin? 

Although any number fewer than nine is acceptable, the lower the better. This test can be ordered by any doctor and should be performed while fasting.

So, you have a high insulin level. What are your options for lowering it? You’ll have to cut back on your carbohydrate intake.

If you really want to maintain track of your weight, aim for fewer than 100 grams every day. 

The carbohydrate grams for a few common ingredients are listed below.

Butter, coconut oil, avocado, and the fat found in nuts and meats had no influence on insulin levels or overall weight.

Protein elevates insulin, which means that if you’re a carbavore who eats a lot of sugar/starch, your body is certainly quite good at converting extra protein to sugar.

What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

What Causes Diabetes Type 2?

Your pancreas (liver) produces insulin into the bloodstream your body stores and utilises sugar from the foodstuff you consume while you’re in good health. Diabetes occurs as a result of any of the following scenarios:

  • Insulin isn’t produced by your pancreas.
  • Your pancreas only produces a small amount of insulin.
  • Your body does not respond to insulin as it should.

Patients with type 2 diabetes, unlike those with type 1 diabetes, produce insulin. However, the insulin produced by their pancreas is insufficient, or their bodies are unable to identify and utilize the insulin appropriately. (This is referred to as insulin resistance by doctors.)

Glucose (sugar) cannot enter your cells if there isn’t sufficient insulin or if the insulin isn’t utilized properly. Instead, it builds up in the blood. 

This has the potential to harm numerous parts of the body. Also, because cells aren’t getting enough glucose, they don’t function properly.

Insulin Resistance and Exercise

Is it possible to “exercise your way out” of this problem? You can do it on occasion; nevertheless, the key is to exercise appropriately. 

Exercise should be brief and intensive for younger patients. Your body burns its sugar reserves in the first 20 minutes of vigorous activity, which are then stored in the liver and muscle. 

After that, you’ll begin to burn fat. Although this sounds excellent, and it is to some level, spending hours running or exercising excessively trains your body to burn fat effectively, which then trains your body to store fat efficiently as well.

Alternatively, if you work out for 20 minutes or more, you may never reach the fat-burning part of your workout. 

As a result, because glycogen is the primary fuel source for muscles, your body becomes more effective at conserving sugar (in the form of glycogen) in your muscles and liver, where it is needed. 

If your body is good at storing and utilizing glycogen, that suggests it’s not good at storing fat.

However, if intense exercise is not recommended, consider jogging or using an elliptical machine. Always keep your restrictions and safety in mind when creating an exercise routine.

The bottom line is that exercise decreases levels of insulin, which is why IT CAN HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT

You’re not working up a sweat to get rid of the fat. In fact, the hard workout can result in a fat-burning impact that lasts for up to 48 hours!

Purchase here >> Diabetes Freedom

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Emma Mackey is #1 USA based Health based blog writer, She has an experience of 20+ years in the healthcare industry. By qualification she has done her Masters in Clinical Nutrition and has also done various workshops on weight loss program through the USA.
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